Mr Bill’s Fixit
Team Members:
Timothy Riley
Justin Fredericks
Noah Treat
William Broadbent
Initial Project Presentation | Final Project Presentation |
Project Information:
The BillsFixiIt App is an Android application assigned by the client William Broadbent. Its purpose is to quickly look up an appliance page by scanning it’s barcode. Beforehand, the client had to manually type in the appliance number into their Android phone in order to find replacement parts that are used by it. This application quickens this process by translating the barcode into a link to the Sears Parts Direct search page. Once the appliance is scanned, the user may click on the webpage to bring up the part and other parts associated with it.
The application was kept within scope but was somewhat trimmed down in features in order to be delivered in the given time restraints. The main issue was getting dynamic html coding form the Sears Parts Direct website to work properly with the app. Instead, the team decided to center our application around WebView so that the client will be able to use it to solve the initial problem.
Delivery to the client will be done by Noah in person. He will meet with them at a time given by the client and give back the Android phone that William kindly let the team borrow. Noah will then install the application to the William’s work phone so that they may use it as intended. It will also be at this time that client feedback will be taken. After this delivery, the client will be able to contact Noah for a month about problems that may need to be quickly resolved, but bugfixes and additional help will not be guaranteed.
OTC Car Show
Team Members:
Angela McLaughlin
Chad Coburn
Eric Morgan
Joseph Brantley
OTC Car Show
Initial Project Presentation | Final Project Presentation |
Project Information:
We designed a Windows Universal Program to replace the Excel spreadsheet being used to track contestants and calculate scores for the yearly OTC Car Show run by Gabe McLaughlin (our client).
The program consists of a way to search for prior car show contestants back to competition year 2015 by Owner Name, Car Make, Car Model, and Car Year. We also incorporated a Excel export of all email addresses and Owner Names in the database for the client to use to advertise.
The program allows entry of new contestants and update of existing contestants. There are several data validations to prevent entry of invalid data. The most important validation being a check on car year and class to ensure the cars are being entered into the correct class.
The program has logic to calculate and display the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each class, the special awards and includes a count of cars entered in each class and an overall count of cars. It is possible to display all prior car shows by selecting the competition year.
SGF Devs Website
Team Members:
Logan Fudge
Joseph Bowley
Jeff Johnson
Myke Bates
Initial Project Presentation | Final Project Presentation |
Project Information:
The Springfield Devs is a group of developers within the Springfield area that come together each month to grow their skills and advance their knowledge in the field. Their website was founded by Myke Bates and is managed by and members of the community who assist with the upkeep and new features that are added to the site. Each of the monthly meetings are recorded and/or live-streamed. These recordings are then uploaded to various platforms including YouTube and Twitch. This is where the Springfield Devs Archive Project comes in. Myke was wanting to be able to have the videos already being placed on other platforms be accessible from the Springfield Devs website. He would like to link members who presented to those archives and have them show up on their individual pages.
The Springfield Devs site was created using the CMS Umbraco, an open-source CMS based on Microsoft’s .NET framework and written in C#. To start our work on the project we would need to get the page running on a local machine. Once that was completed, we could get started. We worked on getting the main archive page up and running first and getting test data to be able to provide a working main page. We would then go on to create how the individual archives would look.
Due to technical difficulties and time constraints, we didn’t get to add everything to the site that was discussed when we first met with Myke, but in the end we were able to provide a structure for the Springfield Devs to use when they decide to implement the archive page on the website.
Miller Legal Reporting
Team Members:
Janna Mooneyham
April Bollinger
Joshua Buchanan
Elizabeth Miller
Initial Project Presentation | Final Project Presentation |
Project Information:
Our client, Elizabeth Miller of Miller Legal Reporting, requested a simple but modern website and an internal program to help better manage files needed for clients and her job. We aimed to deliver a website customized to the company and a program that would manage files and store them within a database.
For the website section of the project, the overall concept was to create a simple vertical layout to display information about the company, display services provided, and get in-contact and the contact information about the company. The website is comprised of 4 pages: Home, Contact, Services, and About Us. The ‘Home’ page serves as a main landing page where an overview of services and other options are listed. The ‘Contact’ page is a form-based page where the user can input contact information and get in-contact with the company. The ‘Services’ page displays all the services provided for Miller Legal Reporting as well as a description of each service. The ‘About Us’ page displays the history and goals of the company, to let the user understand the experience the company has.
The program was written in Java to function as a GUI that allows the user to upload files into a locally created SQLite database. The database schema consists of three tables: Case, Deposition, and Exhibit. The Case table stores the information of the case with the unique court number as the primary key identifier, then the Depositions and Exhibits for each case are then entered into the system with that number as the identifying foreign key. Each table requires that the file be given a unique name.
The application requires that the user enter their username and password to be granted access. Once they are logged on, the option to view or add files is given. The interface asks the user if they would like to Add of View files or Logout of the application. When the user clicks “Add Files” they will be taken to a page asking them for the unique court case number, what the name of the case will be, and what category the case belongs in before allowing the user to open the file chooser system to select the files relating to the case. Each file is expected to be either a text file (.txt) or portable document file (.pdf) and thus insert the files into the database accordingly.
Once the files are uploaded into the database, the user can use the “View Files” button on the landing page to open a new window where the user is asked to enter the case number to view the related case which will pull data from both table’s files and display them to the user. In order to drop a case file, the user simply needs to enter the case’s ID and any corresponding files in the table will also be erased. When exporting a case, the user is asked to identify the ID of the case, then the user is asked which location they would like to save the file. Once the files have been exported, they will appear in the chosen folder.
Sun Solar
Team Members:
Cole Collier
Chauntel Atchley Cully
Josh Porter
Sun Solar
Initial Project Presentation | Final Project Presentation |
Project Information:
We were able to create a functioning Training website utilizing Tutor LMS Pro (Plug-in). By meeting the client’s needs. The site can add courses, lessons, and quizzes with the addition of files, videos, and links to them. There is an admin/instructor view as well as the trainee’s view. Each having their own roles in accessing things.
The Log-in has been set up with a secure log-in with Microsoft Azure that the client already utilizes. Once a trainee logs in, it automatically sets them as a student.
The admin/instructor will be able to edit the added courses and quizzes as well as monitor the progress of the trainees. While the trainee will only have access to see their profile, enrolled courses, and quiz attempts.
We were able to add in all Sales training material that was provided, and the admin/instructor will be able to assign whichever trainee to those courses, lessons, or quizzes.