20/FA CIS-260 Final Projects

Ballistic P&V

Team Members:

Arron Burris- AAS.CIS (Associate of Applied Science in Computer Information Science)

Michael Pori- AAS.CIS (Associate of Applied Science in Computer Information Science)

David Niculcea-AS.CSC (Associate of Science in Computer Science)



Fiocchi of America

Website: https://fiocchiusa.com/?SID=565guuj2f6s5tk8e41i9u7mrar


Project Information:

The Ballistic P&V project consists of 3 solutions, the Ballistic P&V program, the ExcelReader program, and the ExcelReaderService program. The “Ballistic P&V” program is an ASP.NET application that is built around models, services, and pages to produce a webpage that displays ballistic test records from a database and allows for those records to be edited. The Test tab displays a list of tests from the past 30 days and a search box that consists of multiple different ways to search for a test record. The tests displayed inside of the table can be check marked and exported as an excel sheet if the user desires to. The table also consists of a view button for each test in the table which displays a page where all the details for the test record are displayed. Inside this tab, the user can edit certain fields as desired by the client. Before saving the changes, the user editing the fields must enter their initials for record keeping. There is also a Logs tab which is where the user can view edited test records. The last tab is the help tab which displays helpful tips on how to navigate and work the webpage if the user needs assistance working there way around the site.   

The second solution that we produced is called the “ExcelReader” program. This program is a Console Application that handles storing the data produced from the software the client uses to test their ammunition and transfers that data to a database. The software the client uses, “Oehler”, produces an excel file with all the test information recorded on it. The ExcelReader program reads these excel files using an extension in C# and then transfers the data to the database.

The third solution we developed is called the “ExcelReaderService” program. This program is a Windows Service that runs a service on a windows PC. This program automates transferring test records produced from the Oehler system to the database by running the “ExcelReader” .exe file on an elapsed timer. It only executes if an excel file holding the test records exists in the appropriate directory.

Poster : Abstract

Headline Productions

Team Members:

Kendall Roberts Major: Computer Information Science @ kr0902712@otc.edu

Phillip Swope CIS Major: Computer Information Science @ swopephillip22@gmail.com

Ryan Mackey CS Major: Computer Science @ Ryanmackey08@gmail.com


Van Bridges @ https://www.headlinepros.com/


Project Information:

Venue viewer is an application designed to be used on IOS and Android platforms. The purpose of this application is to take input form the user about the venues they are visiting. The application will take that information and put it all together into a details screen. The user then can edit the details screen and share the information into a PDF Document. The PDF document will then be able to be sent out via a share button to either email, messaging, or other popular applications like discord. This application will be using google authentication for its sign in, due to our client using google suite and other google services for their company.

The text stack for this application that we are using is react-native as a front-end with a firebase back-end. The decision for using react-native for this application was due to our team being mainly windows users while this application will mainly be used for IOS users. Firebase was used not only because of its simplicity but also because our client used a plethora of google services which in turn work side by side with firebase. Within react-native we decided to use React Native Paper because of its popularity and well formatted documentation as well as its excellent standards of user interface design. For the implementation of PDF within react-native we had to use HTML with inline CSS formatting to get the correct output of our share document. Throughout the process of this application, we used Expo for testing purposes.


Heritage Builders

Team Members:

Caleb Bryant – Computer Science Major, You can contact me here: Caleb6771@gmail.com

Lacee Skelton – Computer Information Science Major, You can contact me here: lskelton1987@gmail.com

Blake Freeman – Computer Science Major, feel free to contact me anytime at blakefreeman.main@gmail.com


Our client is Heritage Builders LLC based in Texas. Their website can be found here http://heritagebuilderstx.com/. They build custom homes in central Texas.


Project Information:

This project was designed to help keep Heritage Builder’s House Projects organized and more accessible. They wanted to have a program on a computer where they can select house projects and figure out what needs to be completed and they also wanted a single place to be able to find all their contacts. So, we started with a database to be able to hold all the information for a house project and we also have a table in the database for their contacts. We then created a windows form that acts as the user interface where they can select their house projects. We then linked the two together to create our finished product.

Poster : Abstract

NSBA Member Management System

Team Members:

Eric Camarillo

Rocky Hughes

Donavan Westmorland



Matt Hudson


Project Information:

NSBA Member Management System

The Client tasked our group with creating a net based member management system that could functionally provide them with a better option of management of their members in which they would have the ability to add, edit, and remove members as well access their data from anywhere and print out reports that would aide in member management. We have built this project within the defined scope and will also continue to provide aid should the client have any bugs or issues with the project that were defined within the original project scope.

The net application we have provided allow the client to add multiple member types through a series of forms and sub-forms that are simply designed, yet easy to navigate. The client can also query the system, that allows for one to find any members that the user is searching for and can then edit those members and set them inactive. As well as a report generating system powered by the PHP Word library which allows the editing of word documents through php. We have made this application secure enough for the use base by using php sessions to prevent unwanted users from entering through any backdoors while not as secure as possible we believed it to be proper for the applications scope.

We have presented an application that operates within the defined scope by creating a webpage that allows secure access to managing the members of NSBA within the database as well as generating some of the reports the client specified the need for focusing more on the ones that involved directly managing the members of the database.

Poster : Abstract